Jun 15, 2007

Devil's Red bedsheet

"Karla" - I said
when she was to be dead
but woke up instead
out of devil's bed
in the sun's green light
moon's heavy shed..
can you not, just not listen
her breaking apart
bone by bone....

“lets go by the lake” - I said
the orange tree's purple shower
pure yet sadistic
we the masochistic
wow whatta words have flowered
angels gathered
when women are raped
the women who rapes
is the women who says
that women are raped.

Jun 9, 2007

You to me are bosom close

Sitting on the blue garden's banal floor,

Bluish-white petal of the blue rose...
Your eyes take away my life,
You to me are bosom close

Your lips touch my hungry ear,
Your voice hushed yet clear,
Words resound like sound of wind,
Like the orange monk's orange prayer.

Never before my thoughts i fought,
My body frail my heart distraught,
But no odds can beat me where,
The touch of your hands on my eyelids is there.

Apr 30, 2007

Your face beneath your hair

The rain shower below the shady mountain of fire,
The green cloud sweeps my thoughts like your skin,
so smooth so fair,

When your eye meets the first ray of sun,
as he watches it glide all around,
The resonanse of your breathing sound,

My eyes visit the azure, so clean so bare
my hands up in prayer,
while your blissful smile, enlivens and loves,
so black yet cute is the stack of your lovely-greedy hair.
I try as i look, but i am clueless always as i hear
mysterious is the laugh on your face beneath your lovely-greedy hair.

Apr 11, 2007

Why, what and how?

Q. Why do we have to live?

A. No particular reason, we all live for different reasons.

Q. Is there an ultimate purpose of our life?

A. No, we all attach different purposes or meanings to life. We all determine the way of our life by our luck and by our karma.

Q. What is our Karma?

A. It may be anything.

Q. How is our Karma Good or Bad?

A. Our Karma is good or bad by virtue of the perspective through which we view it. Like the same colorless water, may appear colorful when filled into different colored bottles.

Q. Why should we keep on doing Karma?

A. To avoid being static, to be active and livid. In short, we should keep on doing karma to live.

Q. But, why do we have to live?

A. Already answered as the first question.

Q. And why do we live?

A. That I don’t know

Apr 7, 2007

क्यों है?

कभी सोचता हूं की यह ऎसा क्यों है?
फिर सोचता हुं की यह मेरे जैसा क्यों है?

Feb 13, 2007


If you ever thought...

who is the one who cares for you?

you will see around very few such people..

but you hate those very people..you think they just run after you, they seem irritating to you, at times due to their regular affection for you...

in short you ask in air, "why the hell do they like me??"

for you they are nuthing but so annoying...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

instead you dream of those people whom you think are just tailor made for you, "ohh they are so charming..."

whereas they? they infact think the opposite and they would never like to be with you...

infact they hate you...for them, you are nuthing but

so annoying.

This world is circular, isn't it.
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